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Building Resilience in Ethiopia | Oxford Policy Management (OPM)

The ‘Building Resilience in Ethiopia – Technical Assistance’ (BRE-TA) programme aims to strengthen the government of Ethiopia’s systems to be more resilient to climate and humanitarian shocks.

More than two years into the programme, OPM (who manages the facility), wanted to generate a comprehensive overview of BRE-TA’s main achievements. Voices That Count designed and facilitated an Outcome Harvesting process. The purpose was to generate information for internal learning purposes, particularly to inform planning for the remainder of the programme, and to facilitate reporting to donors.

Voices that Count organised two online design workshop with the BRE-TA Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning team and reviewed all the key documents to identify and compile an initial set of outcomes. A physical harvesting workshop was then conducted by our Outcome Harvesting experts, followed three months later by a participatory sensemaking workshop in Ethiopia, to generate insights both on the achievements of BRE-TA and further planning for the following year.

"The value of the Outcome Harvesting workshops for BRE-TA lay primarily in the process. The workshops provided an opportunity for workstream teams to stop and reflect on what they have achieved, and to recognise and celebrate their achievements and contributions to preparation for, and response to, shocks in Ethiopia. The workshops were also an opportunity for the teams to learn together about what has worked well, and to generate insights and consensus around plans for the remainder of the programme." Oxford Policy Management

A final outcome harvesting report was then produced which brought together in one place the trends and patterns identified across all the 61 harvested outcomes. The BRE-TA programme found the OH exercise very useful and plans to organise “mini-harvests” to identify new outcomes for the remainder of the programme.

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