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Measuring empowerment | ArmenTeKort

ArmenTeKort is a Belgian NGO which aims to create a scalable model that has the capacity to end endemic poverty in a sustainable manner. With that in mind, ArmenTeKort started a project bringing together privileged and underprivileged people in a one-on-one buddy relationship. This ‘arranged friendship’ between buddies runs for about two years: it facilitates the discovery and development of talents – which every person inherently has – in order to boost their resilience.

But how exactly do these buddy journeys affect the empowerment of people in poverty? We applied the SenseMaker methodology to find out. At different phases of this two-year journey the buddies share an experience they consider as important: at the start, after 7 months, after 15 months and finally after two years. In this way, and from two different perspectives, we get a rich pallet of stories about experiences that matter during their buddy journey.

The results reflect the overall trends in all ongoing buddy trajectories. But they also allow us to gain insights in the dynamics of one particular buddy pair.

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