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Konte | Coalition of Caribbean civil society actors

Climate change poses major risks to life on the islands of the Caribbean: stronger hurricanes, floods and longer dry seasons heavily affected people’s livelihoods in the past decades.

With the project “Konté pou on landemen ka vouè jou” (Tell your story, to build a better tomorrow) a coalition of four civil society actors on three islands wanted to better understand how people look at the future: ASMU in Saint-Martin, the Atelier Odyssée and L'Effet Papillon in Guadeloupe, as well as the Citizenship and Development (CIDEV) in Haiti.

The project focused on listening and understanding, and at the same time on mobilising residents of priority neighbourhoods for climate resilience. This enriched and stimulated public debate while offering recommendations to policy-makers. It was funded by ADEME via Karayib Klima.

Together with ASMU, Voices That Count coordinated the project from A to Z:

  • Listening to the experiences and perceptions: designing the story collection tool, and guiding the harvest of 800 micro-stories in the four neighbourhoods;

  • Analysing the patterns revealed by the stories: guiding multi-actor workshops bringing together members of the coalition and local partners;

  • Sharing the insights: guiding the development of key messages that served as starting point for the production of multimedia content for the general public;

  • Coaching the organising team in the preparation of participatory meetings with neighbourhood residents, to raise awareness among people about climate resilience.


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